Monday, April 20, 2020

Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, (MSO)

Introduction Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia (MSO) is a well renowned, brand name. When the Chief Executive officer is the â€Å"brand†, it can be difficult to separate their personality from the identity of the company they represent.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, (MSO) specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The values of the company are bigger than those of the founder, this is evident from the continued success in fortune, especially after its founder was accused of business malpractices such as; insider trading. This was in contrast of what analyst had predicted. It is imperative for any company to take into account alternative strategies in enhancing personal and organizational effectiveness. External and internal elements of communication should encompass extensive research for better planning and implementation to identify, with common patterns of organizational behavior and consumer attitudes (Polk Wardwell, 2008). It would influence the strategy of sustaining its limelight, creating a competitive marketing strategy and restoring its image. Work Groups At MSO, teamwork within the work groups is emphasized to enhance multiple decisions; diverse experiences and collective judgment .For the team to exist individuals have to perceive themselves as part of the group. Thus, Martha Steward Living Omnimedia (MSO) in repositioning itself should take advantage of communication channels including social media to obtain customer feedback and build on them to improve its service and product delivery. Besides, through data obtained about employees should help the organization in identify areas to improve on. Rebranding, of any company is bound to fail if organization’s employees do not support it.Therefore, decisions made should incorporate suggestions from the people who identify most with the products. The effectiveness in employees’ performanc e enhances discipline, how employees relate with each other, their morale and instill motivation. Communications in a work group not only serve the need of informing, but also it is an important tool for controlling and an element of motivation. Therefore, for mutual and shared responsibilities among employees in the organization, effective communication in decisions made is critical for management at MSO to obtain positive feedback from their subordinates and other stakeholders. Communication The management should provide an elaborate communication strategy to strengthen performance and make employees feel part of the organization, become aware of ongoing trends and refute their fears about the organizations future goals. An organization is a society endowed with diverse employees of different backgrounds and culture. Hence, communication strategies are imperative in passing important organization information.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if w e can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Top management at MSO has to identify fitting strategies in terms of management style, which can increase; employee’s motivation, creates satisfaction, and enhances organizations behavior and performance. In resolving disillusionment, and high expectations bestowed on them by the public, strategies such as; participatory management is essential in building trust, empowering and motivating an employee in performing tasks (Passikoff, 2006). Communication is therefore a key factor whether written or delivered orally. It is the only way; an organization’s stakeholders can express their expectations, suggestions, and any concerns or grievances they might have. In creation of a unique profile, proper communication input should emerge from the feedback obtained internally and externally. Rebranding Mason and Meyer (2006) indicate that rebranding as a process has direct impact on how the company is perceived by external environment. Change, as an element in shaping most organizations impact on all parties in an organization and major adjustments should be expected. The management at MSO in managing organizations crisis, resistance, and formulating important decisions will help to move in the desired growth direction. Rebranding a powerful brand like Martha Steward would be more destructive especially to the morale of many employees than it would be constructive and careful deliberations should be undertaken to protect employees from feeling alienated. Martha Steward heritage as to be factored during the process of rebranding. This is simply because it would seem like an effort to counter negative publicity more than its efforts to reposition or globalize the brand (Passikoff, 2006). Although many other companies like Pepsi or Google have been successful in rebranding themselves, the rebranding of Martha Steward would be a move from a more individualized to a cooperate feel than many co nsumers might not identify with. Instead, it should concentrate on striking a balance in building an identity from the individual and taking advantage of the appealing Martha’ public image. Conclusion Marketing strategies of an organization can be hinged on its branding and communication among other important strategies. These factors are important in enhancing the organizations’ consumer perception and forming strong collaborative partnerships with similar competitors. These strategies are not only important in enhancing organization services, and products, but also leverage an organization against its competitors and enhance employee’s morale.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, (MSO) specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Reference List Mason, A. Meyer, M. (2006).Living With Martha Stewart Media: Chosen Domesticity in the Experience of Fan. Journal of communication, (51),pp. 801-823 Passikoff, R. (2006).Predicting Market Success: New Ways to Measure Customer Loyalty and Engage Consumers with Your Brand, New Jersey: John Wiley Sons Inc. Polk, R. Wardwell, L. (2008). A Comparative Study of  Insider Trading  Regulation Enforcement in the U.S. and China Journal of Business Securities Law, (9), pp. 56-63 This essay on Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, (MSO) was written and submitted by user Collin Collier to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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